The Most Common Places to Have the Worst Posture

Your posture is with you everywhere you go, and with every activity that you do. Posture is habitual, meaning that without conscious attention to posture, many people have poor posture presentations without even thinking about it.

In fact, the areas that we spend the most amount of our time are the places that we commonly have the worst posture. If you spend more than an hour per day in these places your posture may be compromised.

Most Common Places to Have the Worst Posture

  • Seated at the Office: Being seated for hours per day is tough on your posture, and is one of the most common reasons for postural decline. While seated at your desk sit back in your chair to keep your back straight and keep your computer at eye level. Looking down for long periods of time is one the best way to cause headaches and neck pain. Try using a posture cushion to sit on for better posture, and put something underneath your computer monitor if necessary to keep the monitor at eye-level.
  • Driving in a Car: When driving in a car, especially for long periods of time, many people are slumped in their seats and forget to sit up straight. People commonly drive with one hand, meaning that their shoulders are misaligned. While driving think of sitting up straight and keeping both hands on the steering wheel.
  • Standing in Line: Face it, what do all of us do while standing in line? We pull out our cell phones and look down at our phones to pass the time of waiting in line. Looking down at a cell phone adds much strain to your neck. Plus, when your feet get tired do you commonly shift your weight from one leg to the other? Keeping your weight distributed over both feet with your cell phone brought up to eye level is the best way to pass your time while waiting in line.
  • Sleeping in Bed: We spend a lot of time of bed! With bad posture every night, this accumulates to hours and hours of poor posture throughout your life. Instead of sleeping on your stomach roll over to your back or your side. These are the best positions to sleep in. Also, don’t put too many pillows underneath your head, for best posture you want your head to be in a neutral position while sleeping.

Posture Challenge

Do yourself a favor and do a 24-hour posture challenge. For the next 24 hours pay conscious attention to your posture in the areas that are most common for poor posture. If you notice that your posture is weak, then correct your posture by doing the following Posture Sequence.

Posture Sequence

  • Stand up or Sit up straight
  • Pull your shoulders back
  • Pull your chin back so your ears are aligned over your shoulders
  • Distribute your weight evenly over both feet
  • Keep your feet pointed forward

When it comes to posture, you can design beautiful posture. However, it requires attention. The first step to making positive posture changes is to pay attention to your posture in the “Most Common Places to Have the Worst “Posture.” If you notice bad posture habits, implement the Posture Sequence into your daily activities.



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