The Top 5 Reasons Why Corporations Need An Ergonomic Expert
Optimizing human performance in the workplace enhances employee output, directly impacting corporate growth. Greater output of corporate goods and services results in continual incremental growth for corporations.
A better standard of working, a standard that takes into consideration the workers’ health and ability to thrive in the workplace, is the business of the future.
A better standard of working, a standard that takes into consideration the workers’ health and ability to thrive in the workplace, is the business of the future.
The Modern Work Space
The Millennial generation has impacted corporations with new ides of a modern work space. In this day and age it is not uncommon to see ping pong tables in corporate offices, and beanbag chairs in break rooms.
A mindset shift has occurred toward “fun” in the workplace. Corporations recognize that Millennials have different needs than previous generations.
To stay on the cutting edge, many corporations have made these adaptations to keep their employees engaged. However, they are still missing a key piece to the puzzle for optimized employee output.
Until this point there has been a gap in the marketplace for modern-day ergonomics. This gap is your opportunity to stand out to local corporations as the Go-To Ergonomist in your community.
Old Fashioned Ergonomics Won’t Cut it in Modern Work Spaces
The primary goal of ergonomics is to improve worker performance and safety through the study and development of general principles that govern the interaction of people and their working environment.
Although this definition sounds good, because the intention is right—where are all of the ergonomic experts?
Where are all of the ergonomic experts?
I mean, think about it… how many ergonomic experts do you know personally, have you heard of in your community, or have been referred to you?
My guess is you don’t know any. Am I right? The reason you likely don’t know any Certified Ergonomists in your community is because ergonomic experts that have been trained to take care of modern day employees and match the needs of modern corporations don’t exist.
We Need Ergonomic Experts
This is your blue ocean market opportunity to become the Go-To Ergonomic Expert in your community. The need for ergonomic experts in corporations is there; there is no denying that. The discrepancy lies in the lack of personnel to consult modern day corporations.
Imagine how this opportunity can translate into practice growth and passive income opportunities for you. What if you could become that Go-To expert that your community needs?
You would be the expert that:
- understands the needs of millennial workers,
- while emphasizing safety of workers,
- good posture of employees,
- and high corporate returns.
Top 5 Reasons Corporations Need YOU: The Ergonomic Expert
When you become the Certified Ergonomist of the future, you can help corporations achieve lucrative results. This leads to results that will pay you back generously in the end.
1. Increase Productivity
Time and again, the research demonstrates that better posture in the workplace and proper ergonomic design improves productivity. When employees have the tools that they need to be successful and they are able to work without being in awkward postures, their level of productivity improves.
Without understanding the power of ergonomics, corporations are missing this key factor that can improve their employee productivity exponentially.
2. Decrease Absenteeism
Managers wonder why employees “call in sick” or are constantly taking time off work for doctor appointments. “How are employees always sick?” business owners ask themselves.
Interestingly, the “call in sick” should be called “call in pain.” The main reason for absenteeism worldwide is occupational musculoskeletal pain.
The main reason for absenteeism worldwide is occupational musculoskeletal pain.
These injuries and chronic pains related to workplace design can be greatly diminished with the implementation of ergonomics.
Instead of being frustrated and scrambling at the last second to fill the gap interposed by employee absenteeism, managers can hire you, the Ergonomic Expert, to assess their work space and provide ergonomic recommendations for corporate improvement.
3. Injury Prevention
Not only do injuries cause pain, they are heavily distracting in the workplace. In fact, it is less common that an employee will have a big fall or trauma. It is more common to develop injuries overtime due to repetitive occupational stressors caused from poor ergonomic design.
Occupational biomechanics can suffer greatly if ergonomics is not taken into consideration. Poor biomechanics over time is directly related to chronic injuries.
4. High Return on Investment
Corporations can expect to see a high return on investment for ergonomic programs in the workplace. The expectation is 6 times the initial investment!
Plus, business owners can expect to get paid back within one year for their original investment. From that one-year point of getting their initial ROI back, they then will see a continual increased ROI from decreased absenteeism and improved productivity.
5. Happier Employees
The research shows that poor posture and prolonged sitting are correlated with
- depression,
- less confidence,
- and poor mood affects.
When employees dread going to work because they are depressed, you can imagine that they are more likely to miss work whenever possible, and to have less focused attention on the job.
Providing your employees with stand-capable desks and ergonomic equipment to maintain proper postural design in the workplace is a MUST for the happiness of the corporate workforce.
Modern day workplaces need your modern expertise and approach to ergonomics.
Happier employees will stay with the corporation longer and will have more loyalty to the success of the company overall. Modern day workplaces need your modern expertise and approach to ergonomics.
Why Your Advanced Ergonomics Training Is A Must
Taking into consideration new work demands of the new generation is a modern approach that will not only be appreciated by corporations, but also welcomed with open arms.
Advanced ergonomic training with expert positioning can grow your current practice and provide endless networking opportunities within your community.
In the end there will be a Go-To Ergonomic Expert in your community. The question is … will it be the health care professional around the corner… or will it be you?
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