Postural Correction Results 4 x Faster

Unlock the mystery of how vibration therapy will help your patients obtain postural correction results 4 x faster.

Vibration Therapy has gained tremendous support by fitness professionals for the promising weight loss results delivered quicker than traditional training methods. Discover why Vibration Therapy is not just a Hollywood Craze for weight loss and why it is a sound rehabilitation strategy for improving balance, stability, muscle strength, and postural fitness for your patients.

Whole body vibration is a neuromuscular training method that uses a low to moderate vibration stimulus to improve muscular strength and power. As the name implies, whole body vibration involves the application of a vibratory stimulus to the entire body, as opposed to local stimulation of specific muscle groups.

During whole body vibration training, the patient stands on a platform while maintaining a static position or performing dynamic exercise. The vibration creates an extra load simulating the effects of resistance exercises. Patients will use whole body vibration for durations ranging from multiple 1-minute sessions to continuous 30-minute sessions.

The whole body vibration platform utilized for vibration therapy produces oscillating or tri-planar vibrations that are delivered to the entire body. The vibrations are set at a frequency and amplitude that will provide a desired stimulus.

Frequency, measured in hertz (Hz), refers to the number of vibrations per second. At 25 Hz, which is recommended for postural correction, the targeted muscles receive 25 cycles of vibration per second, which makes them contract and relax 25 times in the same period (Vella, 2005).

What are the benefits of Vibration Therapy?
According to Berschin et al. (2014), whole body vibration causes an involuntary contraction in one hundred percent of the muscle. Including both slow and fast twitch fibers; 40% of which is slow twitch and 60% fast twitch.

Traditional isometric exercise stimulates only certain fibers. Because of the effectiveness of the muscle contraction, 10-15 minutes of whole body vibration training has been said to provide better results than 45 minutes of traditional strength training.

In fact, it is suggested by fitness professionals that you can expect similar results in just one month with vibration that would take months with traditional weight training.

What does this mean for Postural Correction?
Traditional strength training protocols only stimulate fast twitch muscles, meaning that postural muscles to hold the body upright against gravity are left underutilized. This is why you see in shape athletes that present with poor postural design; they neglect their Posture System when doing strength training.

Because there is 100% muscle contraction with Vibration Therapy, the patient is simultaneously building postural fitness and overall muscle strength.

In fact, research indicates that when patients are wearing head weights as a strategy to correct forward head posture, there is equal benefit to wearing the head weights for just 5 minutes while on a whole body vibration plate as compared to wearing the head weights for 20 minutes without the vibratory stimulus.

This is postural correction results 4 x faster than normal protocols that don’t utilize whole body vibration!

And results are not limited to head weights for forward head posture. You can have your patients perform postural rehabilitation exercises for static and dynamic postural correction on the vibration platform for maximal benefit and utilization of time adn effort.

Vibration Therapy is not a Hollywood Craze, it is smart postural correction strategy that renders high benefit and great value for your patient base.

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