Inside Look at the Top Posture Certification
One of the most common questions we get asked about the Certified Posture Expert program is how is this certification different from any other posture program.
To understand how it’s different, you have to understand where it came from. When we first started in practice, we were like 80% of graduates barely scraping by, struggling in practice, wanting to better, and wanting to succeed.
After reading the book Good to Great we knew we needed to specialize and find our Unique Expert Position. With competition on every corner competing for the same patients, the only way to stand out is to niche down. We decided to specialize in posture, a blue ocean market for healthcare professionals.
We wanted to become the Posture Experts so we began taking certifications and courses geared towards postural correction. Although many of them had one or two good takeaways, none of them made us feel like the expert.
Most of them taught one specific technique strictly from their profession’s viewpoint. Whether it was a ball routine, or involved large space consuming equipment, or had a mandatory listing protocol to follow, or they just focused on the eyes, feet, or respiration patterns instead of all of them together. Don’t get me wrong, these are all good points, the problem with them, though, was that they teach you that if you don’t do it exactly as they show you, then it doesn’t work.
This wasn’t good enough for us; we wanted to be Posture Experts, the best in the world. We wanted to be able to evaluate any patient and come up with an individualized treatment plan, specific to that patient with predictable, objective clinical results. So we set out on the mission to become the most certified posture experts on the planet.
Having completed more than 40 advanced post-graduate courses and certifications in posture, neurology, and human function. We realized that if we were looking for this elite, in depth, all inclusive posture certification, then others were looking for it to. The problem is, it didn’t exist.
More so, we learned how important it is for the health of our communities to have these fully trained posture experts available to provide them with expert level care.
In addition to having become the most certified posture experts on the planet, we have both completed prestigious PhD doctorate programs, making us the only Posture Experts on the planet with a doctorate level specialty in public health and health policy.
Now the reason we tell you all of this is so that you understand that when people say that the Certified Posture Expert program is the most in depth all inclusive posture certification on the planet, you know what is being included in this certification. And that it is the only posture certification that incorporates and unites the importance of the public health impact into the curriculum.
This certification is not simply a technique course. It’s not one of those weekend programs that says you have to do A B and C or it doesn’t work. This is an advanced post-graduate education program that teaches you everything you need to be the Posture Expert.
From advanced level anatomy and physiology of the posture system, to detecting postural distortion patterns and understanding the physiologic compromise, know with certainty how forward head posture can decrease not only the quality of life but the affect on early death rate. Discover how to perform expert analysis and examinations from a static, dynamic, and neurological aspect of the posture system. Don’t be one of the 90% of healthcare professionals incorrectly performing posture evaluations. Then discover all of the most effective postural correction strategies available. Implement one or all in any practice of any size and watch your results and practice grow.
From the public health aspect you learn why posture is so important, and the research behind it. Plus, learn how to communicate this with your patients and other healthcare professionals to get in with corporate businesses, schools, and sports teams. We teach you how to become the Go-To Posture Expert in your community. You are no longer competing against the 7 other practitioners on your block. You have now become the expert.
Use our Posture Expert Kit to master social media marketing and the tools to maximize your position as the Go-To Posture Expert. These are not old school marketing strategies, we are talking new age marketing that works. This extra component is guaranteed to help make you the Go-To Posture Expert.
This program has been rated the top online posture program with a 5 star rating by the International Posture Association, not just because it’s the most in depth all inclusive posture certification, or because it gives you what you need to become the posture expert, but also because of our commitment to each person in the Certified Posture Expert program. We know what it feels like to struggle in practice, and we don’t want anyone to have to feel that way.
That’s why our motto is “Your success is our priority,” because we are here to help you succeed. And now with hundreds of Certified Posture Experts in more than 26 different countries across the world, we can say with confidence that Certified Posture Experts are the top 1% in the posture profession.
With the goal of changing the health of the planet, our belief is that with 10,000 Certified Posture Experts worldwide educating their communities about the importance of posture and providing expert level care that we, together, can make the health of this planet a better place.
So if you are struggling in practice, looking for direction, or maybe you’ve been in practice for awhile and you need some stimulation or challenge, or maybe you just know that you want to be the best, to become the Posture Expert, then the American Posture Institute’s Certified Posture Expert program is waiting for you.
We look forward to working with the best of the best, we look forward to working with you.
Drs. Mark Wade and Krista Burns