“How Postural Neurology Invigorated My Practice” Part 2

Do you want more from your practice? Do you feel like you are fulfilling your aspirations and have become the doctor that you dreamed of becoming on graduation day? Or do you feel like you are flat in practice and could be doing so much more for your patients?

If you have answered yes to any of these questions, then you are like many of your colleagues who are experiencing the same struggles. We all graduate with the best intentions, and yet running a business and getting our patients pain free and in top condition is harder than we imagined.

Or maybe your practice is going well, but you have fallen into the category of “complacency.” You hate to admit that you have an “Assembly Line Practice,” yet all patients get the same treatment regardless of case presentation and patient history.

The truth is, no one ever provided you with the tools you needed to be successful. You likely graduated from school with baseline skills, hardly any experience, and were hoping to gain clinical expertise in your first associate position. Along the way, someone even told you not to worry about your patients’ pain and symptoms. They didn’t want you to bring up the pain conversation, just in case you failed to get your patients feeling better… which of course we all know is why they came in the first place.

What if I told you that it doesn’t have to be this way any longer? With the implementation of Postural Neurology you will have the tools that you need to invigorate your practice once and for all. You can become the doctor you wished of becoming on graduation day, and fulfill the promise that you made to yourself and to your patients. That promise of being the best practitioner that you can be.

Postural Neurology will invigorate your practice, your desire to serve, and most importantly, YOUR RESULTS! In fact, Certified Postural Neurologists tell us all the time, Postural Neurology is everything I wish I learned in school. They finally understand how to assess a patient’s neurologic function and apply evidence-based treatment protocols to get the patient out of pain and functioning better.

What is Postural Neurology?

Postural Neurology is brain based posture analysis and correction. With Postural Neurology you will learn how to assess brain function as it relates to the Posture System in 3 minutes or less with the Neuro Scan. You will gain important analysis skills to know with confidence what the patient presents with, and how to make corrections that will improve human function and postural design.

Postural Neurology treatment protocols are based upon the Eyes-Spine-Vestibular model of brain based postural correction. Discover how to implement treatment protocols for correction of the visual and vestibular systems, and improved sensorimotor integration. Better inputs to the Posture System create precise functional outputs for better results.

With Postural Neurology health care professionals have an advanced understanding of the neurology controlling the Posture System. They understand the neurologic connections from a functional and postural perspective. They know how to assess the neurology controlling the Posture System and how to make appropriate corrections for sustained correction and neuroplastic changes of the Posture System.

What is Postural Neurology NOT? Postural Neurology is a system to understand the neurology of the Posture System and how to analyze and correct neurologic dysfunction for optimal human performance and postural design.

Postural Neurology is NOT old school, boring neurology. You won’t be required to memorize a bunch of facts that don’t apply clinically. A large complaint of traditional education is that you learned all of the neurologic pathways from a textbook, but then were never taught how to apply it with your patients. You don’t need to worry about this with Postural Neurology, you will be presented with modern-day concepts that applicable to your patient base.

Postural Neurology is NOT Functional Neurology. This system does not focus on the outlier patients such as patients with traumatic brain injury or that are in a coma. Postural Neurology is focused on getting everyday patients, the ones who come to your practice daily, functioning better and presenting with proper posture. This is not about the outlier patients, it’s about getting results with the majority.

Postural Neurology is NOT a sales gimmick based on fear tactics. Neurology is science; it is not a sales tactic. Either the neurology of your patients’ Posture System is functioning properly, or it is not. Neurologic tests provide you with hard evidence of the patient’s case presentation and what rehabilitation strategies they require for optimized function. When you are focused on neuroplasticity, changing the brain to have better function and better posture, you will get irrefutable results that are objective. No fear tactics needed.

Postural Neurology is NOT a technique. An input is an input. With Postural Neurology you will learn how to determine which input to utilize at any given time, based upon the clinical presentation that your patients present with. You don’t have to utilize a specific technique to get results, you can utilize whatever technique you prefer. The difference is knowing when and what to do with your patients based upon their neurologic presentation.

How Can Postural Neurology Invigorate MY Practice?

Grow your Practice. Postural Neurology can invigorate your practice by getting better patient results. This is an ethical practice growth strategy based on the most important thing, objective results. No sales tactics necessary, results speak louder than words.

Stop Guessing, Start Knowing. With Postural Neurology you will know exactly why you are making the recommendations you are making. There is no guesswork involved. This is an evidence-based system to help you achieve neuroplastic changes of the Posture System with your patients. Know what to do and when to do it. Why be an assembly line practice when you can know with certainty how to help your patients achieve optimal results? Stop guessing, and start knowing in practice.

Boost your Clinical Certainty. Finally become the doctor you dreamed of becoming on graduation day. Postural Neurology will provide you with a high level of clinical confidence necessary to help all patients who come in your office function better and have optimal postural correction results. Certainty is power.

In the next article discover what to expect when you implement Postural Neurology into your practice and the benefits of becoming a Certified Postural Neurologist. Success is yours for the taking. This revolutionary system of postural correction will invigorate your practice, just as it has done for hundreds of your colleagues around the world!

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