Ergonomic Doesn’t Mean Expensive

If you have been experiencing neck & shoulder pain or wrist and back pain then you should reevaluate your workspace. Do you know that when you sit, your back feels at least 2-3 times your body weight?  Yet, we slouch, bend, and push our necks forward to look closer to our computer monitors because at that particular moment, it feels more comfortable. Some of us may sit for up to 8 hours a day in the workplace which means more stress on body. You might have pain and discomfort in your back or wrists but you’re worried that all that equipment is expensive.

Why Ergonomics are Important in the Workplace 

Office ergonomics can help you be more comfortable at work. It can help lower stress and injury caused by awkward positions and repetitive tasks.

  • Increased productivity
  • Prevented common musculoskeletal pain
  • Prevented work related injuries

It’s important to create a work environment that allows for good posture. Not only should your computer screen, keyboard, and mouse be set up correctly, it is best to keep your seat height at an optimal height and use fewer motions with your wrists. They key is to keep your range of motion small and avoid any L shape side-to-side motions with your wrist when you use your mouse pad. That should help lead to a comfortable staff. After all, a comfortable staff is a productive staff!

It’s really not our fault actually. The computer workstation was not designed for us to use in a natural way. Our bodies are not meant to be in those constricted positions for hours.

Thus, we slouch, bend, push our neck forward and look closely at the screen…simply because it is more comfortable that way. Because we are generally flexible, resilient and resistant, we cope with the present circumstances. However, if we continue for long periods of time, we will develop eyestrain, back and neck pain and other computer related injuries.

Statistics Demonstrating the Benefit of Ergonomics in the Workplace 

85% of Americans report taking a break at work due to pain and discomfort resulting in an average of 15 minutes to 2 hours of time lost each day from pain. Poor workplace ergonomics accounts for 34% of all lost workday injuries and illnesses. When offices implement ergonomic programs productivity increases by 54%!

Ergonomics cannot be ignored. If so, you will suffer the consequences. Having said that, setting up your new ergonomically friendly workstation doesn’t have to mean expensive.

3 Ergonomic Tips You Can Do for Free

The return on investment for utilizing ergonomic equipment is very high, and you don’t have to break the bank to have ergonomic equipment. Here are 3 free tips:

  •    Place a book under your computer monitor to raise the monitor to eye level. Looking down at a computer screen is one of the most common causes of forward head posture.
  •    Sit on an exercise ball instead of an old chair.  While sitting on an exercise ball you are engaging your core musculature and moving the body, instead of being completely sedentary.
  •    Keep the items that you use most often within an arm’s reach away to avoid repetitive reaching and twisting of the spine.


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